What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

The benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing can be seen today by how engaged the world is in social media. Social media messaging is so beneficial especially in a time like this. With Covid-19 being such a huge factor in how we interact now, social media involvement and activity are very useful. Activists, celebrities, and politicians have now turned to social media. With their following, it is much easier to post a photo or send out a tweet and reach millions of people as opposed to a physical announcement. Social media is huge right now and a lot of people are capitalising on its benefits. Having a PLN, especially a diverse one is great for knowledge as you get new perspectives and understand others. Social media sharing is a great way to engage in knowledge sharing and interacting with your diverse group. Social media sharing can be useful if a voice needs to be heard. The majority of the world is on social media so it is easy to access your target audience. If everyone in your PLN shares it can amplify your voice to new levels that couldn’t be possible without social media. It can be a great way to raise awareness or even get a message across. Without social media, all we had was the news and media outlets which could be corrupt and we had no choice. Social media now allows anybody to be heard.