• How diverse is your existing PLN? 

I’d like to think my PLN is diverse as it includes many different skin colours, gendergs, ages and beliefs. My PLN contains people from all over, not just from Victoria. I created a youtube channel and gained a small following of people from the UK, Germany and France as well as the United States. My interactions with many people are different and not everyone’s first language is English. In my PLN we established respect and everyone gets along with one another. 

• In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?

I am far from the loudest in the room. We definitely have some personalities and characters but everyone contributes the same amount. We preach to not have egos and we see everyone as equal and respect those who are shy and allow everyone’s voice to be heard. I like to observe and gain an understanding of a topic I’m unsure of and tend to not speak on topics I don’t have knowledge on.

• How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?

Just listening to other people’s views is already a huge step to broaden your views. People’s experience of inclusion can educate you and allow you to broaden your views of inclusion. Without inclusion, someone that has a good perspective or idea won’t be heard. It opens many new options since everyone thinks uniquely. Although, in a professional setting if you need professionals to carry out a task you wouldn’t include those who aren’t trained. Inclusion is needed but in some circumstances it is not.

• How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?

It sparks an interest in me and definitely changes my perspective. After reviewing the videos and readings it makes me think differently and makes me assess all possibilities. These videos and readings gave me a much clearer description of inclusion than the one I already had in my mind. It opened up new things to me and I will be prepared in situations from now on. 

Moore, S. (2018). The Evolution of Inclusion: The Past and Future of Education. YouTube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQgXBhPh5Zo&feature=youtu.be