PLN in Practice


If I had the opportunity to create a PLN I would choose the topic to be a relevant social movement that is going on at the time. I would use social media platforms to find others who are also interested in the movement through the use of tags. Since the main goal is to spread awareness the first thing I’d look into is for the topic to reach as many people as possible. The bigger the PLN the better since some could have bigger influence or connections to someone who does. If everyone in the PLN posted a link to a petition and shared it to their social media page the topic would spread rapidly. Now if a famous person were to post it, it would spread even quicker. That is why if I wanted to put my campaign into play, the use of Instagram to share stories would be ideal since it would pick up fast and gain a lot of looks since it is constantly being shared. Twitter would also be a good outlet since the hashtags and trending page would allow the topic to garner a great deal of attention. Having a PLN of those with the same ideologies as you but with different resources is a key factor for the campaign since others can help where you lack and vice versa.


  1. Angel Liu

    Hi Mohata,
    I am really appreciated to read your post! I think the way you start to build your PLN is interesting and useful. I never thought I would engage and build my PLN start from seeking popular tags in social media. This is really a good way to connect with different people in different fields, also you can reach many topics as well. For me, i only look for the topic that seemed to be interested by me, but only choosing topic that I may interested has large limitations to reach other topics. Thanks for sharing your awesome post!
    Angel Liu

  2. zimengl

    Hey Mohata,
    I appreciate your effective ways to create a PLN, so that the subject of interest can reach as many people as possible, so that like-minded people can pay attention to your content. Instagram and Twitter are also two of my favorite social media, which are convenient for interpersonal communication, social interaction and mutual status tracking, which allows me to easily view the content I am interested in.

  3. yiwei

    Hi Mohata, the use of ‘petition’ is a really good idea. I think I kind of ignored this option because I was too used to private conversations on social media, but you opened my sight.

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